Selected Board Membership
- Board Member, Advisory Board, Professional MS degree in Computational Linguistics, Analytics, Search and Informatics (CLASIC), University of Colorado Boulder, Since January 2024
- Board Member, NAACL Executive Board, Since Janunary 2023
- Board Member, NIST TAC-KBP Scientific Advisory Board, Since May 2020
- Board Member, Industry Advisory Board, Master of Science in Natural Language Processing, UC-Santa Cruz, Since September 2018
- Board Member, External Advisory Board, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program, San Jose State University, 2016-2018
- Council Member, Mentor-Protege Council, MentorNet, 2013-2018
Professional Services
Since 2018
- Co-chair, ACL’2025 Industry Track
- Member, Editorial Board, Computer Speech and Language
- Co-organizer, Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop (DaSH) Workshop, NAACL’2024
- Member, Editorial Board, Computer Speech and Language
- Member, Apple Ph.D. Fellowship Selection Committee
- Member, Editorial Board, Computer Speech and Language
- Member, Apple Ph.D. Fellowship Selection Committee
- Co-chair, EMNLP’2022 Inaugural Industry Track
- Advisor, NAACL’2022 Industry Track
- Co-chair, NAACL’2022 Workshops
- Co-organizer, Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop (DaSH) Workshop, EMNLP’2022
- Co-organizer, Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing, ICLR’2022, NAACL’2022
- Action Editor, Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Member, Editorial Board, Computer Speech and Language
- Co-chair, Industry Track, NAACL’2021
- Senior Area Chair, ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (Information Extraction)
- Senior Program Committee member, AAAI 2021
- Area Chair, ICDE 2021
- Co-organizer, Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop (DaSH) Workshop, Co-located with NAACL’2021, KDD’2021
- Member, Editorial Board, Computer Speech and Language
- Action Editor, Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Steering Committee Member, IntEx-SemPar: Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing workshop, Co-located with EMNLP’2020
- Co-organizer, Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop workshop, Co-located with KDD 2020
- Area Chair, EMNLP 2020
- Area Chair, SIGMOD 2020
- Member, Editorial Board, Computer Speech and Language
- Panelist, NSF SBIR
- Panelist, Careers in NLP Panel, NAACL’2019
- Senior Program Committee member, IJCAI 2019
- Area Chair, ACL 2019 (Information Extraction and Text Mining)
- Associate Editor, Proceeding of Very Large Data Bases
- Program Committee Member, VLDB’2019 (Industrial, Applications and Experience Industry Track)
- Program Committee Member, EMNLP’2019
- Panelist, NSF IIS
- Co-chair, NAACL Inaugural Industry Track, 2018
- Member, Planning Committee, Robust Machine Learning Algorithms and Systems: Detection \& Mitigation of Adversarial Attacks and Anomalies Workshop,National Academies, 2018
- Associate Editor, Proceeding of Very Large Data Bases
- Program Committee Member, ACL’2018
- Program Committee Member, EMNLP’2018 (Demo track)
- Panelist, NSF IIS